



National Ilan University 

Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering

Phinda Siboniso Dube

Visiting Industries become an eye opener for every student. For the normal student It is an essential activity that I think should be practiced periodically. This recent Educational tour helped me to combine my theoretical knowledge of mechanical engineering operations with the practical knowledge of its actual functioning. It also provided me an opportunity to learn practically through seeing and interacting with industrial expertise. Moreover, it gave me the exposure to current work practices as opposed to theoretical knowledge being taught at my university.


National Ilan University 

Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering


Poweplants have always been a part of our course plan and it has been challenging for students to relate the same with real scenario. Such trips make it easy to understand how things work practically. The trip was informative and opened paths for career opportunities that we were quite oblivious about.

The massive warehouse architecture, the conveyor system, state of the art infrastructure, varities of hydroelectric turbines, the model simulation of hydroelectric powerplant, etc all were outstanding.

The most distinguished thing that I experienced was that, the powerplants were no less than a tourist attraction which would otherwise be a hub of coal powder dirt and ashes. They are a part of community and not an unhealthy place of work.

Jaiswal Manas,Chen, Cheng Hu,Phinda Siboniso Dube
Jaiswal Manas,Chen, Cheng Hu,Phinda Siboniso Dube

