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    工程數學; 冷凍空調; 冷凍與空調; 流體力學; 流體力學實驗; 流體機械; 計算數值分析; 校外實習; 高等工程數學; 普通物理; 微積分; 新能源工程概論; 熱力學; 熱功實驗; 熱流實驗; 熱傳學
服務機關 服務部門 職稱 起訖年月
國立宜蘭大學 課務組 組長 2010/08/01~2012/07/31
類別 獲獎日期 名稱 國別 頒獎單位 獎助金額
校內 2015/12/23 教學傑出教師獎勵 中華民國 教學發展中心 80000
學年期 課程名稱
1122 冷凍與空調
1121 普通物理
1112 冷凍與空調
年度 篇名 期刊等級 期刊名稱 第一作者 共同作者 卷期 起始頁 結束頁 總頁數 語言 相關網址
2018 Correct the venturi – meter equation using a differential volume approach 其他 Correct the venturi – meter equation using a differential volume approach 何正義 0 0 0
2017 Develop a TB88 step-up circuit for minor thermoelectric signal 其他 International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics Je-Ee Ho
2016 Investigate critical characteristic of harmonic ferro-dynamics subjected to the induction of uniform magnetic field 其他 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊 Je-Ee Ho
2016 Investigate the Pinning Effect of Ferro-Damp Induced by Non-uniform Magnetic Field 其他 International Journal of Transport Phenomena on Nanoscale Je-Ee Ho
2016 Investigate the humping ferro-damp induced under non-uniform magnetic field density 其他 Journal of Key Engineering Material Je-Ee.Ho
2015 Experimentally Investigate the Vortex Ferro-Viscosity under Directional Field 其他 Journal of Key Engineering Material Je-Ee Ho
2015 Using Rayleigh- Taylor model to Predict Surfacial Tension of ferro-fluid 其他 Journal of Key Engineering Material Je-Ee Ho
2014 A feasible backward-eigenvalue method to speedily access the thermal profile on heat-insulating multilayer 其他 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊 Je-Ee Ho
2013 A Fast Way to Simulate the Multilayer Heat Transition on V–R–C Circuit Technology 其他 Advanced Science Letters Je-Ee. Ho
2013 Develop a Framework of Ferro-Magnetization Sensor on Weightlessness in Modified Bessel Analysis 其他 Sensors & Transducers Je-Ee Ho
2013 Study the Ferro-Surface Tension on Magnetization Degree of Ferrofluid 其他 Advanced Materials Research Je-Ee.Ho
2013 磁性流體磁化表面張力之研究 其他 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊 何正義
2012 A Fast Way to Simulate the Multi-layered Heat Transition on V-R-C Circuit Technology 其他 Advanced Science Letters Je -Ee Ho Da-Chih.Chen
2012 A modified Bessel theory to characterize the magnetization of ferro-particle 其他 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Information Science Je-Ee Ho
2012 Prediction of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Composites with Worn Tools 其他 Journal of Applied Sciences Chung-Shin Chang Je-Ee Ho, Chang-Hu-Chang and Baw-Chiang Hwang
2012 Study the Keyhole Welding Performance with Enthalpy Method in Upwind Scheme, Advanced Science Letters 其他 Advanced Science Letters Je-Ee.Ho vol.14 570 574
2012 Utilize Initial Value of Interoperating Boundary Value to Speed up the Numerical Convergence 其他 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊 Je-Ee Ho
2012 Utilizing an Equivalent V-I-R Flow Circuit to Study the Ferro-Viscosity of Piping Flow 其他 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters Je-Ee Ho
2012 Workpiece Property Effect on Resistance Spot Welding 其他 Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2011 Je-Ee Ho
2011 Analytically Study the Ferrohydrostatic Pressure with FHD Bernoulli Theory 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research. (2011) Je-Ee Ho Vols.189-193 1652 1655
2011 Characterize the magnetization of ferro-particle with apparent gravity effect 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research, ( 2011) Je-Ee Ho Vols.250-253 3615 3619
2011 Critical Flow Theory on Nonlinear Penetrating Mechanism of High Energy Beam Drilling 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research ( 2011) Je-Ee Ho Vols.250-253 3949 3953
2011 Set up an arc code to predict the thermal crack of welded sample with enthalpy method in upwind scheme 其他 Journal of Marine Science and Technology Je-Ee Ho
2011 Study the Ferro-Hydrodynamic Characteristic on FHD Bernoulli Model 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research Je-Ee Ho
2011 Study the relative permeability of ferrofluid with the mean value analysis of experimental apparent gravity 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research (2011) Je-Ee Ho Vols.194-196 533 536
2011 Thermal Analysis for Pulse Laser Processing of Nanometer-sized Thin Film Using DPL Model 其他 Advanced Science Letters Je-Ee Ho
2010 Evaluating the micromachining rate of nanosecond laser with thermal 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research Je-Ee Ho Vols. 126-128 849 854
2010 The Determination of Key Material Property in High Energy Beam Drilling 其他 Journal of Advanced Materials Research Je-Ee Ho Vols. 126-128 849 854
2009 Estimate the magnetization of nano-ferrofluid with the simple pendulem’s oscillation International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 何正義 第l.6卷3期
2009 Evaporation Effect in Nonlinear Penetration of High Energy Beam Drilling Journal of Marine Science and Technology 何正義 Chen-Lung Ten 第17卷2期
2009 Measuring the Magnetization of Nano Ferro-fluid with D.C Electromagnetic Application Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 何正義 Hong T. Young 第9卷
2008 Characteristic Study of MHD Minipump Journal of Marine Science and Technology 何正義 第16卷3期
2008 Developing a Convective Code with Vorticity Transport in Upwind Method Journal of Marine Science and Technology 何正義 第16卷3期
2008 The Analysis on Penetrating Efficiency in High-Energy Beam Drilling Key Engineering Materials 何正義 Hong T. Young 364-366:308-314
2006 Absorption Distribution in a Microparticle within Laser-induced Plasma Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers 何正義 Mao-Yu Wen、Ching-Yen Ho 第27卷6期
2006 Computing the Absorption of a Drilling or Welding Hole for Laser by Using Monte Carlo Method Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers 何正義 Ching-Yen Ho 第27卷1期
年度 名稱 研討會名稱 第一作者 共同作者 論文類型 語言 相關網址
2018 熱電晶片致冷冷氣之研究 2018工程與民生科技技術研討會 林耘陞 何正義、梁忠霖 一般論文
2017 LTC3108晶片於熱電升壓電路之應用-體溫手電筒 第二十五屆中華民國振動與噪音工程學術研討會 游文杰 何正義,洪郁閔 一般論文
2016 熱電晶片之微直流升壓電路研製 中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會 何正義
2016 行動致冷冰箱轉換效能之研究 中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會 何正義
2015 Investigate the humping ferro-damp inducedunder non-uniform magnetic field density 12th International Symposiumon Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments Je-Ee.Ho
2015 微直流升壓電路之研製 CSME Je-Ee-Ho
2014 Correct the venturi – meter equation using a differential volume approach 第十八屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會 Je-Ee Ho
2014 Experimentally Investigate the Vortex Ferro-Viscosity under Directional Field international conference of Engineering Tribology Technology Je-Ee Ho
2014 Investigate the Magnetic Pinning Effect of Periodical Ferro-Damp 第二十二屆中華民國振動與噪音工程學術研討會 Jian-Xun Lin
2014 Study the thermo-power potentiality of warm spring using TEC –series thermoelectric chip 2nd International Conference of Multi-Disciplines of Engineering on Advanced Technology and Environmentalism Design Je-Ee.Ho
2014 Using Flow-Network Theory to Study the Piping Ferro-Flow CSME Je-Ee.Ho
2013 A flexible eigenvalue approach to predict thermal conduction of insulated combustion chamber 中華民國燃燒學會年會暨第23屆燃燒與能源學術研討會 Je-Ee.Ho
2013 Experimentally Investigate the Vortex Viscosity of Magnetized Ferro-Flow on Directional Field International Conference on Applied Mechatronics And Android Robotics Je-Ee.Ho
2013 Study the Ferro-Surface Tension on Magnetization Degree of Ferrofluid, International Conference on Materials Transportation and Environmental Engineering Je-Ee.Ho
2013 Using O-Ring Pulling Method to Predict Ferro-Surface Tension 中國機械工程學會第30屆全國學術研討會 Je-Ee.Ho
2013 Using Rayleigh- Taylor model to Predict Surfacial Tension of ferro-fluid ASPEN Je-Ee Ho
2013 nvestigate the Quakeproof of Ferro-Damping Effect Using Experimental and Analytic Approach 中國機械工程學會第30屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學 Jian-Xun Lin
2012 A Fast Way to Simulate the Multi-layered Heat Transition on V-R-C Circuit Technology International Conference on Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Bangkok (AMSE 2012) Je Ee Ho
2012 A Rapid Measurement of Multi-layered Heat Transition with Electric Capacitor in V-R-C circuit The 22nd National Conference on Combustion Science and Technology Je-Ee.Ho
2012 Experimentally Study the Surface Tension on Magnetization of Ferrofluid 中國機械工程學會第29屆全國學術研討會 Je-Ee.Ho
2012 Study the Ferro-Hydrodynamic Characteristic on FHD Bernoulli Model International Applied Mechanics Mechatronics Automation Symposium Je-Ee.Ho
2012 Utilizing an Equivalent V-I-R Flow Circuit to Study the Ferro-Viscosity of Piping Flow, 2012 International Conference on Electronic and Materials(ICEM 2012). Je Ee Ho Da-Chih.Chen
2011 A Modified FHD Bernoulli Model to Study the Hydrodynamics of Piping Flow 第15屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會 Je-Ee.Ho Chun-Wei Chang
2011 A modified Bessel theory to characterize the magnetization of ferro-particle. International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2012) Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Analytically Study the Ferrohydrostatic Pressure with FHD Bernoulli Theory 2011 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Critical Flow Theory on Nonlinear Penetrating Mechanism of High Energy Beam Drilling. International Conference on Civil Engineering Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Measuring Apparent Gravity Effect to Characterize the Magnetization of Ferro-fluid. International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2011) Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Prediction of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Composites with Worn Tools 第三十五屆全國力學會議 Chung-Shin Chang
2011 Study the Ferro-Hydrodynamic Characteristic on FHD Bernoulli Model MIST 2011 Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Study the Keyhole Welding Performance with Enthalpy Method in Upwind Scheme 2nd International Symposium on Mechanical Science and Technology(ISMST 2011) Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Study the relative permeability of ferrofluid with the mean value analysis of experimental apparent gravity 2011 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering Je-Ee.Ho
2011 Thermal Analysis for Pulse Laser Processing of Nanometer-sized Thin Film Using DPL Model 2nd International Symposium on Mechanical Science and Technology(ISMST 2011) Je-Ee Ho Ching-Yen Ho, Bor-Chyuan Chen
2010 Experimentally Study the Ferrohydrostatic Pressure with FHD Bernoulli Theory 第15屆非破壞檢測研討會 Je-Ee Ho
2009 Characterize the magnetization of ferro-particle with apparent gravity effect 中國機械工程學會第26屆全國學術研討會 何正義
2009 Setting up an arc code to predict cracking deficit with enthalpy method in upwind scheme 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM II) 12th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XII) 何正義
2004 墨滴噴射成形的模擬技術 第十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會 何正義
2002 ADI數值法演算邊界值加速收歛之分析 第19屆機械工程研討會論文集 何正義
2002 數值演算起始值加速收斂之分析 追求卓越研討會 何正義
2002 電子束鑽孔之熱流分析 第19屆機械工程研討會論文集 何正義
2001 Building Up 2D(φ,ω) Convective Model By Cencral difference and Upwind Scheme Method 第8屆全國計算流力研討會 何正義
2001 The Coanda Effect in Flow Cut of Indoor 氣膠研討會 何正義
2001 管路水鎚振動效應分析 振動研討會 何正義
2000 14. Development of Dust Emission Factors for Gravel Processing Sites Air & Waste Management Association 93 Annual Meeting & Exhibition 何正義
2000 加油站汽油處理效能評估之研究 第十五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 何正義
2000 室內通風佈置與氣膠分佈之探討 中國機械協會 何正義
2000 強制對流與室內塵量分佈之探討 氣膠科技國際研討會 何正義
1999 加油站油氣處理效能評估之研究 第十五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 何正義
1999 無塵室通風管路配置對流與溫濕度分佈影響之探討 氣膠科技國際研討會 何正義
1998 異種金屬電子束銲接實驗與數值模擬之研究 第廿二屆中華民國力學會議論文委員會 何正義
西元年度 計畫名稱 主持人 工作職稱 共同(協同)主持人 委託/補助機構 計畫開始日 計畫結束日 語言 相關網址
2018 107學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫-流體力設備及風力發電機包含離岸風電的流固耦合分析 蔡國忠 協同主持人 何正義 科技部新竹科學工業園區管理局 2018/07/01 2019/08/31
2017 106學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫-伺服器/工作站設計成型、結構動態及撞擊分析 蔡國忠 共同主持人 何正義 科技部新竹科學工業園區管理局 2017/07/01 2018/08/31
2016 熱電晶片於低溫差之微直流升壓電路研製 何正義 主持人 科技部 2016/08/01 2017/07/31
2015 TEC致冷晶片冷却效應 何正義 主持人 歆勝科技有限公司 2015/06/01 2016/05/31
2014 致冷晶片有限度發電 何正義 主持人 濠福有限公司 2014/10/01 2015/09/30
2010 背負式安全帶老化檢核表製作 陳大智 共同主持人 何正義 行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所 2010/05/06 2010/12/10
2008 發泡馬桶 何正義 主持人 人性方程式企業有限公司 2008/01/01 2008/01/31