年度 |
名稱 |
研討會名稱 |
第一作者 |
共同作者 |
論文類型 |
語言 |
相關網址 |
2016 |
研磨精密晶圓晶片之鑽石砂輪磨床設 計與開發 |
科技部工程司2016年機械固力成果發表會 |
張充鑫(C-S Chang) |
一般論文 |
2015 |
A Study of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon –Fiber –Reinforced -Plastics(CFRP) Materials with Nose Radius Worn Tools |
Automation 2015 |
B2張充鑫(C-S Chang),” |
2015 |
A study of cutting temperatures in turning Carbon- Fiber -Reinforced -Plastic composites with nose radius worn tools |
國際機電科技研討會 |
張充鑫(C-S Chang) |
一般論文 |
2015 |
可程式(PLC)自動控制高速度單軸2維(多維)碳纖、玻纖複材纏繞設備的設計、開發與製造 |
行政院科技部產學計畫成果報告 |
張充鑫(C-S Chang) |
一般論文 |
2014 |
A Study of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon -Fiber- Reinforced- Plastics(CFRP) Materials with Nose Radius Worn Tools |
The 31th CSME |
張充鑫(C-S Chang) |
一般論文 |
2014 |
A Study of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon –Fiber –Reinforced -Plastics (CFRP) Materials with Nose Radius Worn Tools |
The 18th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology ICMT 10 |
張充鑫 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
A study of the cutting temperatures in milling stainless steels using chamfered main cutting edge nose radius worn tools |
5th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2013) |
張充鑫(Chung-Shin chang) |
2013 |
A study of the cutting temperatures in milling stainless steels using chamfered main cutting edge sharp worn tools |
Int. Conf. on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES'13) |
Chung-Shin Chang (張充鑫) |
2013 |
Predicting of cutting temperatures in turning Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastics using Tungsen Carbide worn tools (磨耗刀具車削碳纖複材之溫度預測研究) |
Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2013 |
Chung-Shin Chang (張充鑫) |
2012 |
A Study of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastics materials using chamfered main cutting sharp worn tools. |
2012 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT 2012) |
Chung-Shun Chang (張充鑫) |
Cheng-Hu Chen (陳正虎) |
2012 |
A Study of the Cutting Temperature in Milling Stainless Steels with Sharp Tools Considering Wear |
中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術會議論文集 |
Chung-Shin Chang (張充鑫) |
2012 |
A study of the cutting temperatures in milling stainless steels using sharp worn carbide tools |
2012 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing (AMITP-2012) |
Chung-Shun Chang |
2012 |
Prediction of the cutting temperature in milling stainless steels with chamfered cutting edge sharp worn tools |
中華民國力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議 |
Chung-Shin Chang |
2012 |
碳化鎢車刀車削不銹鋼之斷屑槽設計之研究 |
中華民國力學學會36屆全國力學會議 |
吳閔翰 |
張充鑫 |
2012 |
高精密靜平衡儀採雙軸氣靜壓萬向機構之設計與製造 |
15屆全國機械與機構研學術研討會論文 |
劉彥廷 |
張充鑫 |
2011 |
A Study of Cutting Temperatures in Turning Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) Composites with Worn Tools |
The 2011 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (CEAM 2011) |
張充鑫(Chung-Shin Chang) |
2011 |
Prediction of the Cutting Temperatures of Turning Stainless Steels with Nose Radius Worn Tools |
The 35th National Conf. on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |
Chung-Shin Chang |
Je-Ee Ho |
2011 |
Prediction of the cutting temperatures of turning stainless steels with nose radius worn tools |
CSME 28th Conf. |
張充鑫 |
林盈良及黃寶強 |
2011 |
可變肘節沖壓機構之應力 & 疲勞壽命模擬 |
第十四全國機構與機器設計學術研討會 |
許登揮 |
林盈良,黃寶強及張充鑫 |
2010 |
A study of cutting temperatures of turning stainless steels with chamfered cutting edge nose radius worn tools |
美國機械工程學會2010-加拿大溫哥華研討會-ASME-ICMECE-UBC |
張充鑫 (Chung-Shin Chang) |
2010 |
Prediction of cutting temperatures of stainless steel with nore radius worn tools |
The 13 Int. Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (國際磨潤研討會,ISAAT 2010) |
Chung-Shin Chang (張充鑫) |
2010 |
Prediction of cutting temperatures of turning stainless steels with chamfered cutting edge nose radius worn tools |
2010 工程力學研討會(Engineering Mechanics Institute EMI 2010 Conference),美國土木學會 (ASCE) |
Chung-Shin Chang (張充鑫) |
2010 |
超精密車床Z軸床身(刀台), 滑軌及進給系統的研發設計與製造技術(The bed,guider and feeds system design,research and manufacturing of ultra precision turning machine) |
中國機械工程學會及行政院國科會-2010 全國學術研討會 |
張充鑫 |
2009 |
A Study on Cutting Temperatures of Turning Stainless Steel with Chamfered Main Cuting Edge Nose Radius Tools |
2nd ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference (MNHMT09) |
張充鑫 |
2009 |
A Study on Cutting Temperatures of Turning Stainless Steel with Nose Radius Tools |
中國機械工程學會第26屆全國學術研討會 |
張充鑫 |
2009 |
Predicting cutting temperatures in turning stainless steel with worn tools |
MECH 09, Joint ASE-ASME-ASE Conference |
張充鑫 |
2009 |
Prediction of the cutting temperatures in turning stainless steel with worn tools |
25th CSME Conference at DYU |
張充鑫 |
2009 |
圓鼻負稜車刀切削不鏽鋼之溫度預測研究 |
中華民國力學學會年會暨第33屆全國力學會議 |
張充鑫 |
2008 |
Prediction of the Cutting Temperatures in Turning Stainless Steel with Worn Tools |
International Conference on Asia Pacific Conference on Materials Processing-2008 (APCMP2008) |
張充鑫 |
2007 |
A study of cutting temperatures in turning of glass-fiber-reinforced plastics materials |
International Conference on Advanced Manufactur ,Society of Manufacturing Engineers |
張充鑫 |
2007 |
Prediction of the Cutting Temperatures of Stainless Steel with Chamfered Main Cutting Edge Tools |
International Conference on Smart Machining Systems |
張充鑫 |
2006 |
Prediction of cutting forces of CFRP composites |
中華民國第十四屆震動噪音工程研討會 |
張充鑫 |
2006 |
Turning of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites using chamfered main cutting edge tools |
CIRP-2nd International Conf., High Performance Cutting (HPC) |
張充鑫 |
2006 |
Turning of glass-fiber-reinforced-plastic (GFRP) using TiN-coated, TiCN-coated and uncoated carbide tools with chamfered main cutting edge |
23th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, CSME, |
張充鑫 |
2004 |
Turning of glass fiber reinforced plastics materials with chamfered main cutting edge carbide tools |
Proceedings of 8 the International Conf. On Manufacturing & Management, PCMM-2004 |
張充鑫 |
2003 |
A force model of milling stainless steels using chamfered main cutting edge tools |
7th Int. Conf. on Mechatonics Technology |
張充鑫 |
2003 |
Prediction of cutting forces in milling stainless steels using chamfered main cutting edge tools |
20th National Conf. on Mechanical Engineering, CSME |
張充鑫 |
2002 |
An Independent Study of Walking Robot Mechanism |
第五屆中華民國機構與機器設計學術研討會 |
張充鑫 |
2002 |
Force prediction of turning stainless steel for nose radius worn tools |
7th International Conference on Manufacturing |
張充鑫 |
2002 |
Turning of Stainless Steel with Nose Radius Worn Tools |
追求卓越研討會 |
張充鑫 |
2002 |
Turning of stainless steel with a nose radius chamfered main cutting edge tools when wear has occurred |
Seventh International Conference on Manufacturing and Management-The Pacific Conf. On Manufacturing and management |
張充鑫 |
2001 |
A force model for face milling tools with a chamfered main cutting edge when wearing has occurred |
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference On Metal Cutting and High Speed Machining, Published by ECOLE Nationale D'Ingenieurs De Metz, France |
張充鑫 |
2000 |
A force model for single-point shaper tools |
Proceedings of the 17th National Conference On Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
張充鑫 |
1999 |
A study of cutting forces for milling plain carbon steel using chamfered main cutting edge Tools |
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Nashville, TN, U.S.A. |
張充鑫 |
1999 |
Prediction of cutting forces for milling plain carbon steel using chamfered main cutting edge tools |
Proceedings of the 23rd National Conference On Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
張充鑫 |
1998 |
A study of high efficiency face milling tools |
Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference On Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C |
張充鑫 |
1997 |
A force model for nose radius worn tools with a chamfered main cutting edge |
Proceeding of the 14th National Conference of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers(CSME) |
張充鑫 |
1996 |
A force model of a single-point tool with a chamfered main cutting edge when wear has occurred |
Proceedings of the Thirteen National Conference of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
張充鑫 |
1996 |
Turning of stainless steel with a chamfered main cutting edge when wearing has occurred |
Proceedings of the 20th National Conference on Theoretical And Applied Mechanics, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taipei, Taiwan,ROC. |
張充鑫 |
1993 |
Turning of stainless steel with chamfered main cutting edge tools |
Proceeding of the 10th National Conference of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers(CSME) |
張充鑫 |
1992 |
A force model of single-point tools with chamfered main cutting edge |
Proceeding of the 9th National Conference of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers(CSME) |
張充鑫 |