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王宜達 (Wang, Yi Ta)>

Job Title: Professor and Chairman
Research: MEMS manufacturing、Energy Technology、Electric Fenton Fuel Cell、Material Surface treatment technology、Physical metallurgy、Material science、Material Electron microscopy 、Optoelectronic Engineering、Biomedical Technology Engineering
E-mail: ytwang@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7457


方治國 (Fang, Chih Kuo)>

Job Title: Professor
Research: Tribology(Friction, Wear, and Lubrication)、Acoustic Emission、Machine Learning, Scanning Probe Microscopy、Taguchi  Methods、Failure Analysis(Corrosion, Wear, Fracture, and NDT)
E-mail: ckfang@niu.edu.tw
Office tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7461


王金燦 (Wang, Chin Tsam)>

Job Title: Distinguished Professor
Research: Fuel Cell、Microbial Fuel Cell、Microfluidic Device
E-mail: ctwang@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7459
Personal Webpage : http://tw-cii.org/wordpress/


胡毓忠 (Hu, Yuh Chung) >

胡毓忠 (Yuh-Chung Hu)
Job Title: Professor
Research: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems、Industrial Sensors、Intelligent Machine、 Intelligent Machinery、Vibrations and Acoustics
E-mail: ychu@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7469


陳大智 (Chen, Da Chih)>

Job Title: Associate Professor
Research: Analysis of Mechanism、 Machine Vibration
E-mail: dcchen@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7464


陳發忠(Chen, Fa Chung) >

Job Title: Associate Professor
Research: Engineering Materials、non-destructive test technique
E-mail: fcchen@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7462


陳正虎(Chen, Cheng Hu) >

Job Title: Associate Professor
Research: Mechatronic Systems and Energy Saving Technologies、Design and Application High-Efficiency Motors 
E-mail: chchen@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7475
Personal Webpage: 點此網址


林宗鴻 (Lin, Tsung Hung) >

Job Title: Associate Professor
Research : CAD/CAM、Precision Machining、5 Axis CNC Machining、Manufacturing process of micro optical components、Microelectroforming
E-mail: linth@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7465


羅安成 (Ruo, An Cheng) >

Job Title: Associate Professor
Research: Flow stability、Numerical Simulation for Complex Flow、Energy Technology
E-mail: acruo@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7455
Personal Webpage : https://tnfdlab.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_85.html  


邱信霖(Chiu, Hsin-Lin) >

邱信霖(Chiu, Hsin-Lin)
Job Title: Associate Professor
Research: Development of Rotor/Magnetic Bearing Systems、Development of Composite Power Amplifiers、System Identification
E-mail: hlchiu@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7458



簡忠漢(Jean, Jong-Hann) >

邱信霖(Chiu, Hsin-Lin)
Job Title: Assistant Professor
Research: Intelligent mobile robot、Deep learning image processing、Embedded system applications
E-mail: jhjean@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7467



沈立宗( Sheng,Li-Tsung)>

Job Title: Assistant Professor
Reserch: Powder technology and particle flow, flow field visualization technology, thermal flow field simulation analysis, metal lamination manufacturing
E-mail: ltsheng@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7466


梁煥昌(Juan Liang)>

這裡要改 寬200 高300
Job Title: Assistant Professor

Smart Manufacturing and Cyber Physical Systems, Metal Surface Modification, Failure analysis, Manufacturing process

E-mail: hcliang@niu.edu.tw
Office tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7460


鍾政英(Chung, Cheng-Ying)>

Job Title: Assistant Professor

"Integration of OptoMechatronic Systems,"

"Application of AI,"

"Image Processing and Machine Vision"


E-mail: cychung@niu.edu.tw
Office tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7456

梁瑞庭(Liang, Jui-Ting)>

Job Title: Assistant Professor
Research: Application of Smart Manufacturing in Process Parameter Control、Mechanical Design、Development of 3D Printing Platforms、 Process Design for Photopolymerization-based 3D Printing、 Stress Simulation and Analysis
E-mail: jtliang@niu.edu.tw
Office Tel: +886-3-935-7400 ext 7463